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Rozmaria, Locmaria to Plonéis Cicloturismo Route
This GPS track details a 55.46 km cycling route in Finistère, Brittany, France, starting at 7, Rue de la Déesse, Rozmaria, Locmaria, Quimper (47.9934°, -4.1053°) and finishing near Plonéis. The route took approximately 665 minutes (11 hours and 5 minutes), with an average speed of 5.00 km/h and a maximum speed of 36.29 km/h. The total elevation gain was 598.10 m, with a maximum elevation of 156.40 m reached at 11, Rue Laënnec, Kerautret, Plonéis (48.0152°, -4.2061°), and a minimum elevation of 0.7 m at Chemin du Halage, Ludugris, Penhars, Quimper (47.9818°, -4.1179°).
Route Description: The route begins in Rozmaria, Locmaria, Quimper and progresses through varied terrain, reaching its highest point near Plonéis before descending. Specific details of the route's progression between these points are not provided.
Recommendations: This route is suitable for experienced cyclists. Always check weather conditions before starting. Ensure your bike is properly maintained and you are wearing appropriate safety gear, including a helmet. Be mindful of traffic, especially when cycling on roads. Remember that some sections may pass through private property or less-traveled paths; respect private land and be considerate of other users. Consider carrying a map or GPS device and informing someone of your planned route. Download the route offline for areas with poor signal. This allows for greater safety in case of emergencies. Hydrate adequately and carry supplies.