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Rue de la Déesse, Rozmaria to D 63, Kerroza Ciclotourism Route
This GPS track details a challenging 82.02 km cycling route in Finistère, Brittany, France, lasting approximately 983.54 minutes. The route starts at Rue de la Déesse, Rozmaria (47.9934°N, -4.1053°W) at 7m elevation and ascends to a maximum elevation of 162.40m at D 63, Kerroza (48.0917°N, -4.2107°W). The lowest point, 2.10m, is located at Quai de l'Odet, Le Cap Horn (47.9912°N, -4.1109°W). Total climb is 883.30m, with descent of 884.5m. Average speed was 5.00 km/h, with a maximum of 36.02 km/h and average pace of 11.99 min/km. Stopped time was minimal. This route has significant elevation changes (160m deltaZ), requiring good fitness.
- Route Category: This is a challenging route suitable for experienced cyclists with a high level of fitness.
- Safety: Wear a helmet, use appropriate cycling gear, and be aware of traffic conditions, especially on the D 63. Carry sufficient water and snacks. Check weather conditions beforehand.
- Privacy: Be mindful of private property. Stick to public roads and trails. Avoid disturbing wildlife or damaging the environment. Respect local rules and regulations.
- Health: Consult your physician before undertaking this strenuous activity. Stay hydrated and pace yourself appropriately. Take breaks as needed.