37_ Détente_3 Août 2025 Rozmaria to Beg-Meil Cyclotourisme Route

by jean-pierre.cadec
50.92 Km
308 m
305 m
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Rozmaria to Beg-Meil Cyclotourisme Route

This GPS track details a 50.92km cycle route in Finistère, Brittany, France, starting at Place de la Résistance, Rozmaria (47.9935°N, -4.1054°W) and ending near Beg-Meil. The route features a total climb of 308m and a maximum elevation of 72.5m at Rond-Point Penhoat Salaün, Pleuven (47.9028°N, -4.0309°W). The lowest point (2m) is found near Hent Ty Nod, Kerchane, Beg-Meil (47.8538°N, -4.0107°W). The ride takes approximately 85 minutes at an average speed of 36km/h. Maximum speed reached was 41km/h.

This route is suitable for experienced Cyclotourists. Always check weather conditions before starting. Wear a helmet and appropriate clothing. Ensure your bike is in good working order. Be aware of traffic, especially on shared roads. Respect private property and refrain from cycling on private land unless explicitly permitted. Share your route with a friend or family member before you go. Cellular coverage may be limited in some areas. Carry sufficient water and snacks.

How to use this route: Know more