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Le Loc'h to Guenguerzit Cyclotourism Route
This GPS track details a 97.19 km cycling route in Finistère, Brittany, France, starting at Route du Loc'h, Le Loc'h (48.0120, -4.0891) and ending near Guenguerzit (48.0828, -3.7894). The route features a significant elevation gain of 854.90 m, reaching a maximum elevation of 250.60 m at D 15, Guenguerzit, and a minimum of 0.2 m at 1, Avenue des Sports, Kerfily (47.9958, -4.0887). The total ride time was approximately 4 hours and 20 minutes, including a 9.15-minute stop. Average speed was 22.45 km/h, with a maximum speed of 51.58 km/h. Average uphill climb rate was 0.41 m.
The route begins in Le Loc'h, follows a path toward Guenguerzit, reaching its highest point near D 15, before descending towards Kerfily at its lowest point. The route likely involves varied terrain, demanding physical fitness.
Recommendations for Cyclotourism:
- Route Category: This route is challenging due to the significant elevation gain, suitable for experienced cyclists.
- Bike Type: A road bike with appropriate gearing is recommended.
- Gear: Carry water, snacks, a repair kit, and a map.
- Safety: Wear a helmet and bright clothing, particularly during low light conditions. Be aware of traffic and road conditions.
Safety and Privacy Suggestions:
- Respect private property: Avoid trespassing on private land. Stick to marked roads and trails.
- Traffic Awareness: Cyclists should always be aware of traffic, especially on busier roads. Use appropriate hand signals and ride predictably.
- Data Privacy: Be mindful of the data your GPS device collects. Review your privacy settings and consider if you are comfortable sharing your route publicly.